The Centennial Year of the Republic, Group Exhibition


The Centennial Year of the Republic, Group Exhibition

Jointly organized with the participation of Trakya University Faculty of Fine Arts, Şehit Ressam Hasan Rıza Fine Arts Vocational School, Department of Art Education at the Faculty of Education, and members of the SAYRED association, the "Centennial Year of the Republic, Group Exhibition" opened on October 25, 2023, at 16:30 in Devecihan Cultural Center. The event was attended by Trakya University Rector Prof. Dr. Erhan TABAKOĞLU, Director of Şehit Ressam Hasan Rıza Fine Arts Vocational School Prof. Dr. Semiha KARTAL, Edirne Provincial Director of Culture and Tourism Kemal SOYTÜRK, President of the Edirne Bar Association Gökhan KARAKOÇ, Edirne Museum Director Şahan KIRÇIN, Director of Edirne Selimiye Manuscripts Muhammed HIZARCI, and Director of Kapıkule Veterinary Border Control Point Özgüç Özcan TANER, who delivered speeches.

The exhibition will be open until November 3, 2023. The exhibition has been well received by art enthusiasts, participants, and students. Works of 29 participants in their respective fields and branches were displayed. Along with the emphasis on art in the speeches, the achievements of our Republic and the values it has added to society were once again highlighted.

Furthermore, artists from Trakya University Conservatory performed a music recital. Following the presentation of certificates, participants continued to share insights into their works with the audience.

For the Exhibition Catalog of "The Centennial Year of the Republic, Group Exhibition," click here.


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